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The American Vitiligo Research Foundation

AVRF Focusing On Children

2025 AVRF Calendar

Our 2025 calendar is now available for purchase!

AVRF Celebrates Black History Month

This month you can see the AVRF helping to celebrate Black History Month in USA Today! See our ad on page 115!

Faith in Our Life

It is with deep sorrow that we share the unexpected passing of Faith Chalula Mufaya on November 20, 2022, at 14 years old. Born on September 27, 2008, Faith brought joy and love as a cherished daughter and sister.

Faith’s infectious smile and passion for teaching defined her early years. Despite facing challenges, including vitiligo, she remained resilient, finding solace in singing and helping her mother sell fritters. Faith’s maturity beyond her years endeared her to adults, yet she valued the friendships she cultivated.

Faith’s passing leaves an irreplaceable void. Her sweet nature, boundless love, and infectious joy will be deeply missed. Our thoughts are with her family as they navigate this profound loss.

May Faith Chalula Mufaya’s soul rest in eternal peace.

Kaleah is Published!

In this book Kaleah walks you through her experiences with Vitiligo. Get your copy today!

Kaleah's Book: Brown Girl Turning White

Our History

The American Vitiligo Research Foundation, Inc. (AVRF) was founded in December 1995, by Stella Pavlides of Clearwater, FL. Since its inception, the foundation has been operated out of the home of its founder.

The primary objective of the foundation is to focus on children. To meet this objective, the goals of the AVRF include public awareness, education, acceptance, and a cure. The foundation furthers these goals by providing an array of resources, fundraisers, and conferences designed to enlighten and uplift members of the foundation and the public.

AVRF Pay's It Forward

Kenyatta National Hospital Children’s Cancer Ward

Our Mission

American Vitiligo Research Foundation Inc. (AVRF) provides public awareness about vitiligo through dedicated work, education and counseling. We seek to make a difference worldwide to those afflicted by the disease, focusing on children and their families. We encourage acceptance. The AVRF encourages higher ethical standards in research, and therefore supports finding a cure through alternatives to animal testing.

Our Sponsors

Stories Of Vitiligo